Hollybush Cottage: More Rusty Nail Adventures


If you have already read ‘Curious Tales of a Rusty Nail,’ Sprocket and Young Pinion will be very familiar to you, as will Wingsey Nut and Springaling, who was once the working part of a Jack- in- a- box. Who could forget the rather argumentative Two-Faced Nut, whose faces could never agree on anything. You may also remember their dear old friend Mr Peter Verny, who was very posh and knew almost everything.
In the early days they all lived together in Morris Wainright’s garden, until their shed was threatened with demolition to make way for a new bypass, and they were forced to find a new home. After a long journey along the railway track, the friends finally found refuge in an old disused beach hut in Cliff Top Bay.
Their new home became the focus of new adventures, where they met many strange new characters, including Mister Crown Topper and the Rollies who all became close friends.
They were happy in their beach hut home, apart from the shock and sadness at losing Peter Verny. Trying to save his friends from the Sea Clown, sadly he was buried beneath the crumbling wreckage of a ship lying on the sea-bed off the coast.
Nothing lasts forever and one day they find that their old beach hut is to be destroyed, and all its contents sent to the local auction. Once again, they are forced by matters beyond their control to become homeless. The old fishing basket they were hiding in was bought by Mister Jim Sniff who insisted that it was his nose that did the bidding when he sneezed at the wrong moment.
Finding themselves in a strange dim room, they plan their escape to the holly bush in Jim Sniff’s garden, where the two-faced nut assures them will be a perfect place to live.
Unfortunately, being stuck fast trying to climb out of the basket, their dear friend Sprocket is unable to follow them. However, with the help of their new friend Miss Tongtong, a pair of fine French curling tongs, they finally build a fine little home for themselves in the secret world below the prickly canopy of the holly bush. They call it ‘Hollybush Cottage’ and trust that it will be the best home they have ever lived in.
If you have already read ‘Curious Tales of a Rusty Nail,’ Sprocket and Young Pinion will be very familiar to you, as will Wingsey Nut and Springaling, who was once the working part of a Jack- in- a- box. Who could forget the rather argumentative Two-Faced Nut, whose faces could never agree on anything.
They all lived together in Morris Wainright’s garden, until their shed was threatened with demolition to make way for a new bypass, and they were forced to find a new home. After a long journey along the railway track, they finally found refuge in an old disused beach hut in Cliff Top Bay.
Their new home became the focus of new adventures, where they met many strange new characters, including Mister Crown Topper and the Rollies. They were happy in their beach hut home, apart from the shock and sadness at losing Peter Verny. Trying to save his friends from the Sea Clown, sadly he was buried beneath the crumbling wreckage of a ship lying on the sea-bed off the coast.
Nothing lasts forever and one day they find that their old beach hut is to be destroyed, and all its contents sent to the local auction. Once again, they are forced by matters beyond their control to become homeless. The old fishing basket they were hiding in was bought by Mister Jim Sniff who insisted that it was his nose that did the bidding when he sneezed at the wrong moment.
Finding themselves in a strange dim room, they plan their escape to the holly bush in Jim Sniff’s garden, where the two-faced nut assures them will be a perfect place to live.
With the help of their new friend Miss Tongtong, a pair of fine French curling tongs, they build a fine little home for themselves in the secret world below the holly bush. They call it ‘Hollybush Cottage’ and trust that it will be the best home they have ever lived in.